Nano Ceramic Coating

Nano Ceramic Coating

Layanan Nano Ceramic Coating dengan beeds menambah kesan elegant pada exterior mobil anda karena efek kilau yang luar biasa

The Ultimate in Exterior Protection

Beeds Premium Ceramic Paint Treatment

BEEDS Premium Ceramic Paint Treatment is a high performance coating solution that offers extreme hardness and can be applied to a various surfaces including paint clear coat, plastic, rubber and glass.

BEEDS gives exceptional ceramic-like properties and as such is extremely durable and robust, providing high chemical, UV and heat resistance. It not only increases hardness, it leaves a fantastic deep gloss with remarkable gains in surface thickness.

BEEDS is a complete treatment, instead of just a coating on top of the paint surface, it goes deep into the paint and crystallizes within the pores thus changing the molecular structure of the clear coat. This means the protection is long lasting and hydrophobic performance will last for years not months.

Once the application is fully cured, it forms a permanent bond within the paint. No chemical or solvent can remove it unless the paint surface is wet sanded or intensively polished with harsh rubbing compound.

Exterior yaitu membersihkan mobil dari kerak dan kontaminen serta menghilangkan scratch hingga swirl/hologram menjadikan warna mobil anda keluar dan bersih sebelum masuk tahap Nano Ceramic Coating
Interior yaitu membersihkan interior mobil dari kotoran dan debu yang sulit di jangkau serta mengembalikan warna kulit , bahan, dan plastic pada interior mobil
Engine bay yaitu membersihkan ruang mesin mobil dari kerak dan kotoran yang membandel sehingga meningkatkan performa dan kebersihan pada ruang mesin mobil.